3 scenes
Scenes by Milo
 Love you, too
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I met Milo through Nixi: she is a great talent that I worked with on a limited basis. She is a spunky, serious, cynical, yet whimsical type: spritual, open-minded, friendly -- and a bit of a brat at times.
Tagged female
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his clip is presented in four chapters, all-in-one clip! Nixi is looking for the parking lot, but has wandered off of the trail through the coastal swamp (Part I). She stumbles into a thick bog up to her thighs, but manages to escape. She isn't so l...
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Milo is a brat. Wearing purple sneakers, black denim cutoffs, a white tank top, a blue bra, earrings and a bandana, she wanders from her campground festivities and plods her way into some mud for a frolic, but realizes she is stuck in a really gross,...
Starring: |
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The spunky Milo, clad in a bandana, gray shirt, jeans, and boots steps lightly into a bog and begins to sink. She wiggles back in and out of the mud, finding herself a deeper spot in the pit but getting herself terribly stuck in the end. The camera...
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